Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Medieval Fair at Hämeenlinna

I'm back! Sorry for neglecting my blog, but this summer turned out to be very busy: trips, events, crafts and school took over my life. But now I'm back with a new post on something recent and very fun indeed.

Last weekend I went to Häme Medieval Faire, which is a Medieval festival held at the Hämeenlinna's castle. Like all such occasions this one had food, mock fights, vendors selling everything a history enthusiast could ever want and lots and lots of rain and dirt (this is Finland in August, so that's to be expected), which made it feel very authentic.

A pig roasted on a spit may look horrible, but tastes great.

Barbarians arrived to show us some impressive horseback rindding stunts.

Vikings fought Saxons.

Saxons won.

Though most of them got killed.

I'm not at all an expert on medieval dress, so the fashion show was a real eye opener.

A little child was put in charge of a catapult.

My friends and I went dressed up, though we sacrificed historical accuracy for the sake of comfort and fun.

I have some great photos from the Times & Epochs festival in Moscow, but I still need to sort through them. So that's for another post.  

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